Thursday, November 10, 2011

Astrology of Missing Persons: Sky Metalwala

  Sky Metalwala, age 2, missing from Bellevue, WA November 6, 2011

Sunday, November 6, 2011, Bellevue, Washington: Sky Metalwala, age 2, was reported missing by his mother after she discovered him missing from her car.

Sky's mother -- who later told police Sky was sick and she was taking him to a hospital -- originally reported to police that she had run out gas and had left the child strapped in his car seat, sleeping, while she and her 4 year old daughter walked to a gas station about a mile away.

The Reported Missing chart tells a somewhat different tale...

Sky is represented by Lord 5 the Child, VENUS and the mother is represented by Lord 1, JUPITER.

VENUS the 5th House Child separates inconjunct (150 degrees) from JUPITER Lord 1 the Mother. The inconjunct is a death aspect and the separation suggests the death may have already occurred.

Note that JUPITER the Mother is posited on dark side of the 5th House cusp (in the radix 4th House but in the sign on the 5th House), causing misfortune to the 5th House Child. (JUPITER is posited in the turned 12th House of Misfortune of the 5th House Child (radix 4H)).  

The mother's story is a crock of lies ---

We see lying Pisces on the 3rd House of Information True or False with modern ruler NEPTUNE 28 Aquarius intercepted (hidden) in the 2nd House of Self Protection.  

MARS Lord Turned 8th House of Death of the 5th House Child (radix 12th House) opposes NEPTUNE (deceit), calling out the lie, and MOON co-Lord of the Child, is void of course in the most unfortunate 29th degree of the unfortunate sign Pisces separating inconjunct (death aspect). These are strong indications the child died previously and that the child was never in the vehicle that Sunday morning in the first place.

Child's 6th House of Health/Sickness (radix 10th House) holds Libra on the cusp, so VENUS represents both the Child (Lord 5) and his health/sickness. VENUS the Child / his Health is partile (in the same degree) conjunct MERCURY, natural ruler of health/sickness, both posited within the Turned 8th House of Death of the 5th House Child (radix 12th House). Notice VENUS the Child 05:26 Sag separating 5 minutes of Arc from MERCURY natural ruler of health/sickness. This suggests the death had already happened --- placement in 8H of Death of 5H Child, separating aspect = in the past --- but recently. Within 5 days is certainly within the realm of probability.

SATURN, natural signifcator of death/ dead body is posited in the Child's 6th House of Health/Sickness (23 Libra) quindecile (165 degrees) the Arabic Part of the MOTHER1 09 Aries. The Part of MOTHER1 is disposited by MARS 27 Leo, intercepted (hidden) in the radix 8th House of Death and inconjunct the MOON (inconjunct is a death aspect), little Sky's co-Ruler. MARS is the dispositor of, and in Mutual Reception with, SUN (the Event) 13 Scorpio. Further, MARS is Lord 11 of  "Unplanned Event/ Circumstance Beyond One's Control/ Accidental Happening" --- THIS IS WHAT THE MOTHER WANTS EVERYONE TO BELIEVE ---

There's an interesting concept to note about Mutual Receptions (two planets in each other's sign). They provide an opportunity to change places -- revert back to their own signs, although they keep the same degrees. Because of the Mutual Reception, if we move SUN to its Mutual Reception position of 13 Leo, its position shifts smack within the 8th House of Death --- showing a death Event that was hidden due to the interception of Leo within the radix 8th House --- and MARS moves to 27 Scorpio, partile conjunct the radix 12th House cusp / turned 8th House of Death of the 5th House Child. The Mutual Reception degree 13 Leo partile squares the ASCENDANT/MIDHEAVEN midpoint 13 Scorpio (partile conjunct Event. SUN 13 Scorpio). This is very strong testimony as to what really happened.

MARS is also Lord 4 End of the Matter, and as noted above, inconjuncts Sky's co-Ruler the MOON (death aspect), which itself is in the 29th degree of Pisces, a most unfortunate degree and sign, and void of course (nothing can be done about it). MOON  is partile conjunct the Part of MADNESS 29 Pisces (not shown), a possible commentary on the mental state of the Mother.

The Part of SONIA (a death marker) is posited at 15 Sagittarius, partile conjunct the REPORTED MISSING ASCENDANT and the Part of MURDER (16 Sagittarius).

HAMAL, a notoriously malefic death star at 07 Taurus is smack conjunct the 5th House cusp of the Child, and BLACK MOON LILITH, associated with mothers/ parents who kill their children, is inside the End of the Matter 4th House at 17 Aries, disposited by MARS, Lord 4. [All I said about MARS in paragraph above applies.] I also note that BLACK MOON LILITH squares MURDER2 posited at 19 Capricorn, on the cusp of the 2nd House of Self Protection, partile conjunct the Part of SONS.

What is the Mother protecting herself from (interceptions across 2/8 axis)? 

The SUN/MOON Midpoint at 21 Capricorn is partile conjunct the 2nd House of Self-Protection cusp. It is very important to note that. Whatever happened at 9:50 am Sunday 11/6/2011 in Bellevue WA, it was of primary importance for the Mother to protect herself. We note the sign Aquarius intercepted in the 2nd House of Self Protection. We also note the Part of MURDER2 (19 Cap) partile conjunct the Part of SONS (19 Cap), both close conjunct the 2nd House of Self Protection cusp. We note ATROPOS of Endings (not shown) at 23 Capricorn near that 2nd House cusp as well.

House 2 of Self Protection has Capricorn on the cusp and Aquarius intercepted within. SATURN rules Capricorn and co-rules Aquarius (traditional ruler). SATURN discussed above, is posited in the Turned 6th House of health/sickness of the 5th House Child (radix 10th House). SATURN, as Lord 2 of Self-Protection (23 Libra) is quindecile (165 degrees) the Part of the MOTHER1 09 Aries!! This suggests a mother who is obsessed with protecting herself at all costs. PALLAS the asteroid of strategy, as well as VESTA of commitment, are also both intercepted within the 2nd House of Self Protection, at 01 and 14 Aquarius respectively, showing that the mother's strategy, what this mother is committed to, is protecting herself.

The Part of DEATH 07 Aries partile inconjuncts the Part of the MOTHER2 07 Virgo and conjuncts the Part of the MOTHER1 09 Aries. Also note MOTHER2 07 Virgo is partile conjunct the Part of ENDINGS 07 Virgo, both square VENUS the 5th House Child at 05 Sagittarius. This is but another chilling testimony, tying the "end" (ENDINGS) of the 5th House Child (square to VENUS) to the Mother.


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1 comment:

  1. Hi, I love your new blog...CONGRATULATIONS! I have missed reading your keen astrological interpretations! So glad I found you!!!!

    By chance have you looked at the Baby Lisa Irwin case? Here is date/time info...

    Baby Lisa DOB: 11-11-2010

    REPORTED MISSING: 3:56 am October 4, 2011
    - 911 call made by father Jeremy Irwin (per Police scanner archives) reported baby Lisa Missing and 3 cell phones missing.

    LAST SEEN: 6:40 pm October 3, 2011 (Mom changed time from 10:30pm)
    - mother changed story now says she put Baby Lisa in her in crib for the night.

    LAST SEEN: 10:30 pm October 3, 2011 (1st reported)
    - 3620 North Lister Kansas City, MO. She was last seen by her mother Debra Bradley asleep in her crib/bedroom. (1st reported last seen time that has now changed)

    CELL PHONE CALL: 11:57 pm - Outbound call made from Debra Bradley’s cell phone.


    I also have a detailed timeline if you are interested. ;)


    Peace & Love ~ MarlaMe
